Me v Technology

New York Giant Highlights


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

This Week

I am going to Waterville Valley on Friday and Sugarloaf on Saturday to snowboard!!! Should be awesome cause the forecast looks like a lot of snow is coming their way.

Here are the links to those mountains.

I am going to put a White Mountain Snow Conditions alert in my links on the side of the page.
Go Team USA. What a great hockey game that was. I was at work watching it happen, the bar at the restaurant was going nuts!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Jing File with Audio!

Here is my completed Jing file with Audio done from Screencast.

Here is the Jing/Screen Cast Experiment Link

New Tecnology

Ok so this week I have been tooling around with Jing, a program that lets you take a video or picture of your desktop and you can put your voice (if you are doing a video) into file as well. It is cool feature you could use to help students with certain websites by talking them through it as you click through whatever website you are using.

Also right now I am trying to upload my Jing file and send it to my class using a site called Screencast.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


I am going to try and post this on the blog..... somehow.

Another cool blog to follow.

Also here is a great blog from an Gordon-Grad on Christian Culture. If your interested she is writing this blog while she is writing a book. It is a great blog.


Ok great, got my Celtics video bar up. Too bad the Celts are playing so poorly now.

Today we learned about Audio editing for podcasts, a program called Jing that I will be integrating to the Blog soon, and Wiki's. I will also put a link to wikipedia pages I like on here at somepoint.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Ok so the video trick I tried didn't work. I am going to post the directions I was given and maybe try it again in class.

These are from a classmate.

"So it took all morning for me to figure this out, so I thought I'd share.

When adding a video bar to your blog, there seems to be some sort of corruption - when you add it, it looks like the videos that you want are there, but after a short amount of time, the videos change to other, random videos that you never wanted. Here's how to fix it:

Don't add a video bar...instead add an HTML gaget. Go to to create your video bar, then copy all of the information that appears in the big blue box and post in your HTML gaget. Your videos will appear and will not change.

I'm pretty proud of myself for figuring this out!!!"

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

New Job

I got a new job this week! I am waiting tables over at Dockside in Wakefield. Just finished my second day and so far so good.

On another note, I tried Lisa's method of getting videos onto the blog site. Now I just gotta see if it worked.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

New Additions

As I slowly start to understand what I can do with my blog, I will be adding things to it and it probably won't all fit together. I added some Celtics video's to the top because I really like the Celts.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

High School Subbing

So today I subbed for the first time in a high school and I got to have a basic look at what technology they had at that level. This was in the same district as the middle school I subbed in, so I wasn't really surprised when there wasn't a huge difference in tech use in the classroom but some of the things they had were interesting. One of the student teachers (also a Grad Student from this school) used her laptop to make interesting power points of her lessons instead of just using a marker board and I think that having questions and answers flashing on the board helped the kids engage a little bit. I was a special ed aid today so I didn't get a great chance to see how the bigger classrooms were run but I saw that some of the kids came to class with small typewriter devices. I didn't get a chance to look up close but I think that would be a good idea for kids who's handwriting is illegible or someone who needs to have things more organized but can't afford an actual laptop. Next time I go into that school I am going to find out how they determine who gets to use those and how it exactly works.

Another observation that I had both subbing days was that I really enjoyed the small class sizes because you can reach the students more and have the attitude of the lecture or lesson match the personalities of the kids. It is just easier to specialize to specific needs with smaller groups. This leads me to wonder whether I should specialize in just History or do Special Ed along with it. A question that I hope I can figure out soon...