Me v Technology

New York Giant Highlights


Sunday, January 24, 2010

My First Post!

This is my first blog post ever, so naturally I am a little unsure about what I should write about. I think I will start by writing about the different teaching tools and techniques that I have been exposed to in the short time I have been in this class.

So far I have started to use Blackboard and learn about different uses for blogs.

In the textbook, the potential uses for blogs in the teaching field are numerous. Using them as a an Online Filing Cabinet, an E-Portfolio and a Class Portal are all idea's that immediately peaked my interest. I really like the idea that the students can get there assignments done via a blog and grading can be done with the response posts from teachers and peers. This technology is very new to me, but I am already enjoying the teaching philosophies and ideas that I have been exposed too. I look forward to writing about my experiences and reflections about them on this blog.

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