Me v Technology

New York Giant Highlights


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Second Blog Post!

So I substitute taught at one of the local middle schools today and I got a glimpse at what technology a middle to lower class school gets to use on a regular basis. Most of the classrooms I assisted in used markers and whiteboards, so I guess the technology was more recent than classrooms filled with chalkboards but not by much. On top of that I saw about 4 computers that students with writing disabilities could use to type up homework.

Later in the day I saw two rooms that had a cool program installed. It had projection screens that the the teacher could write (digitally) onto the screen by just making the motion with her special pen. That was pretty cool but at the same time it was a wake up call about how much modernization could be and needs to be done in today's classrooms.

This brings up the topic of how you could possibly afford and integrate such technology but I will save that for later in the class when I know more about the subject.

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