Me v Technology

New York Giant Highlights


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Last Post!!

Yikes, This color is tough. I will change it back in order not to blind anyone.

This last week I have been working alot on my final project. I will be making an educational website which will be utilizing webstarts (for the actual website), Jing (for an instructional video on how to use the website) and Survey Monkey (for the questions at the end of it).

Here are some links to all of the sites'

And finally the link to my website is here! It will be getting updated alot in the next couple days so if you want you can keep track of my progress.

Thanks for tuning in. This is a Gordon Grad student saying g'night!

1 comment:

  1. You are so ambitious for creating a website for your final project!

    How did the MTEL go for you?
