Me v Technology

New York Giant Highlights


Thursday, March 11, 2010

New Tech

So the last two weeks I have been exposed to two very cool technologies that I knew little to nothing about beforehand.

One was Second Life and the other was CILC. Here are the links to both. They are great for communicating with the world at large and I have just barely looked at the usefullyness that they have for the educational world.

Take a look for yourselves. I am going to add these links to my page as well.


  1. I found CILC an incredibly useful tool too! I will certainly be looking for further webinars.

  2. Love that new word you've just coined . . . . "usefullyness" :-)

  3. I agree that CILC is a really awesome aspect of a classroom. One of my favorite aspects was that you can be penpals with another classroom in another country.

  4. Hey Austin... have you been frequenting the country dance club on second life? Nice Office Space pic! This blog has made some huge strides and looks awesome!
